Saturday, December 11, 2010

MAAL HIJRAH 1432..getting into it..=D

MAAL HIJRAH is an important day for Muslims as it marks an important event that happened in the history of Islam. It commemorates the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD. Occurred on 1 Muharram, it is the first day of the Hijrah calendar.
In Malaysia, it is a religious day in which Muslims held prayers at mosques across the country. Day of Awal Muharram Maal Hijrah or a public holiday in Malaysia.

That’s the definition of Maal Hijrah which definitely provided in wikepidea..=P.. actually , it’s quite awkward when I realize that this is the first time I celebrated Maal Hijrah outside my 11 years schooling world. No Maal Hijrah marching, no more Maal Hijrah talk, no competiton. I wonder how’s it going to be this time.

I started thinking when I was at home in the weekend that I need to bring text for year end and new year pray. Luckily, when I reached UiTM they said that there will be Maal Hijrah celebration at ‘Surau Malinja’. Thank god. I’m sure will not be alone..=P..
It started with year end doa, Maghrib prayer, reciting Yasiin with new year doa, solat hajat, Isya’ prayer and a meaningful advice by Ustaz Hadi.

neW yEAR (1432) ReSOlut!oN

by chance, the start of new semester is almost simultaneously happen with Maal Hijrah. So I officially decide my motto for this year as “I chase and I’ll catch”.. this also will be the same motto for the AD new year.. it’s mean what I’ll chase for this year I must get it.. no matter what the consequences will be.. it’s going to be tough, but this is life..everything has it challenges..if we get something without having any consequences and challenges life will be dull and has no meaning..

my resolutions for this year are:
• Being a good muslim and even better than before.
• Pursuing my study in degree of law
• Achieve my motto “ I chase and I’ll catch”

Lastly, what I’m hoping for my whole life is my friends having a good life and our ties will be even stronger..

Assalamualaikum.. Bye..=P


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